Where can I get Warhammer parts? Find W40K bits!

This topic looks at where you can get Warhammer spares, bits, gubbins, and job lots or ‘Where can I get Warhammer parts?’ If you have landed on this page, the chances are. You already know what Warhammer is, or what Warhammer parts are. But you may be...

Different types of Nurglings and where to buy them!

Nurglings, these delightful little blobs of terror, have been around since the Rogue Trader era of Games Workshop. Hopefully, Nurglings will continue to infest and corrupt the Warhammer 40K universe for many decades to come. Lets, face it, they bring a lot of fun to...

What miniatures came in the Dark World board game? (List)

What miniatures came in the Dark World board game? If you can recall, in a living room that time forgot, there was a board game. A board game called Dark World. Dark World, or Darkworld, was a tabletop dungeon adventure game that came with a variety of different...

Where to get your miniatures plastic cast UK

Looking on getting your miniatures cast in plastic in the United Kingdom? I need to know where to get your miniatures plastic cast UK. If you are a budding board game developer or want to create some of your own miniatures, then finding a service to print your...